Beginner Info

Fencing with the Melbourne University Fencing Club:

For beginner fencers, you must register as a club member and then complete our beginner's course. It is an 8 week introductory course to fencing. After completing this course, you become a fully fledged member of the club and you can fence as to your heart's content with the rest of the club!

The course schedule (8 weeks starting March 7th 2025):

Fridays: Fencing principles and technique lessons take place every Friday over the duration of 8 weeks (all Friday lessons are mandatory!)

Mondays: Footwork classes (optional)

Step 1: Membership

  • Please find a committee member on the first day of the course. We will help you complete your membership payment and provide you with the access code to the club's membership sign up form.

Step 2: The beginner's course

  • You must complete the 8 week course (taught by our official club coach) After which you then progress to become an intermediate fencer, which allows you to fence with the rest fo the club during any and all sessions.


Beginner Fencers

I've never fenced before, can I start at Melbourne University Fencing Club?

Yes! Our club is always open to fencers of any level. Our only condition for members new to fencing is that you complete our beginner's course. The course provides 8 practical lessons with our resident coach for an introduction to and learning the basics of fencing. Once you have completed the course, you are free to attend any and all of our fencing sessions and fence with the rest of us!

When and how do I start the beginners course?

We run the course twice during the academic year. Both courses commence at the start of the semesters. To join, please attend one of our Friday sessions and complete the membership sign-up process. Please note that you must join at the start of the course. Beginners will not be able to join the course or the club mid-way through a course. To find when our next beginners course starts, please see our news & updates page.

Do I need my own equipment to fence?

Nope. At our club we provide all the necessary equipment you need to fence. As a beginner you might not be using the full gear and blades to start out, but once you have completed the course, you will be able to use any club gear to bout on full electrics. For more information on equipment provided please see our equipment page.

How much does it cost to join the club?

Our annual club membership fee is $100AUD for Melbourne University students. For non Melbourne University students our fee is $160AUD. This amount gives you full membership for the entirety of the academic year.
In addition to the membership fee there is a $30AUD price for the beginners course.

Who is eligible to join the club?

As a social club, we support any and all who wish to try out fencing. Our club is mostly comprised of university students and alumni. Even if you are not affiliated with the university or fencing we invite you to come try the sport! For beginner fencers under the age of 18 or not enrolled in university we would recommend Fencing Victoria (the regional state association for fencing) as an alternative excellent place to start your fencing journey.

Where do I go to sign-up for the course?

Our club always trains at the same venue: East Stadium, Melbourne University Sport Centre, Tin Alley. (You can ask at the reception directions to the fencing gymnasium if unsure) On the start day of the beginner's course, there will be committee members waiting to help you with sign ups. We should be easy enough to spot, also you can see the what the committee members look like!

If you are interested in joining our next beginner's course, you may register your interest with the form below...

If you have an interest in joining the club let us know!
Ask us any questions you might have and feel free to view our training times.

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